Thursday, June 16, 2016

Where does two years go?

Seriously though. How has it been two years since I posted on here. To be so close to publishing my book.

Life has a funny way of throwing many distractions at you that divert you away from your dreams.

Becoming a grown-up.

Falling in love.




Your day job.

There is never enough time.

I've been working in insurance now for 6 years and while I truly enjoy it, its not what my fulfills me but pays the bills.

Writing fulfills me.

It sets my mind free. It excites me. It takes me to another world.

My favorite movie as a girl was The Little Mermaid, and to be honest is still probably my favorite movie. Since then the ocean is one of my favorite places. My mom and I have created a story that brings me back the feeling that I felt as a little girl watching The Little Mermaid and swimming in the lake and pretending that I was Ariel. I am so excited about it and each time I read I can't believe it came from us.

We are editing book one that has been in works for five year. FIVE!! What the heck. Like I said before where the heck does time go? But still I love it. I love the story and what we have created and its bringing the excitement of writing back to me, when the last year I have felt unconnected and unmotivated to finish what I and we have started.

I started writing book two while mom is editing the first and perfecting our five year creation. We project that Book one called The Travels of Below to come out 2017 and book two will follow a few month after it.

This is a little bit of a random post but like Ernest Hemingway said "Write drunk;edit sober."

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