Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Start

This is going to my blog spot where I will start posting about progress and new projects I'm working on. Currently I have written a YA book with my mom, Cindy Coloma, who is a bestselling author and also has fifteen books published already. I never thought I was going to be a writer growing up but once we started working on our book I knew it was something I was going to want to do forever. I always had a big imagination and was defiantly always daydreaming but I didn't think I could turn them into stories. After we finished our book I wrote my own YA fiction novel. I started writing it about a year ago and last month I finally completed it. I'm still not sure which direction I'm going to go with it if I am going to self publish or go for the more traditional type of getting it published but hopefully soon I will make a decision. Now working on two other projects as well as collaborating with my Mom on a second book I will have plenty to keep me busy for a while and hopefully something coming out within the year. That is the goal!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it! I'm a huge sci-fi/supernatural/fantasy fan and I'm going to want to read this book. Great beginning!
